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What We Do

Building & upgrades :
We have fundraised and built the following ECDS ( Early childhood development centres ) :
Ithemba Educare : An Educare in Masiphumelele ( 60 children )
MasiNcedisani ( An Educare in the Wetland area of Masiphumelele ) 60 children
Masivelane : Built a brick house after a fire destroyed the original structure ( 60 children )
Ubuntu centre : An Educare & resource centre. 60 to 100 children over the years 
We have also built 2 houses for the children from our centre ; whose homes were destroyed by fire
Volunteer Capacity : From 2010  until 2020 provided a constant stream of volunteers ; that assisted 8 ECD's with volunteer support. The volunteers assisted each ECD with resources and upgrades over the years. We have facilitated the volunteer process for about  3000 to 4000 international volunteers since 2010.

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