Get Involved:
"I am because we are"
There are many different ways to help our cause by volunteering your time in South Africa. We look for strong volunteers and it is important to do research prior to your arrival so you understand working in an African context and understand different social norms. The experiences are enriching for both volunteer and students. We have many volunteers returning year after year to the project. Please take a look at some of our themes below and get in touch with us so we can help you discover a way to channel your passions into productive community work.

Children & Youth

Volunteering at our centre in Masiphumele, a township located in a Wetland area on the South Penisula of Cape Town. The word Masiphumele means, "we will succeed". This is a vibrant African township established after Mandela was released in 1994. The Township has slowly grown from informal shacks (tin houses) to formalised housing. You will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the African (Xhosa) culture. You will have the opportunity to volunteer at The Ubuntu Centre. The centre was established in 2015 and was built through the dedication and committment of volunteers from around the world.
The Centre has an ECD (Early Childhood Development Centre) with 30 children ages 0-5. And it is home to an after school programme where older children receive assistance with English, Mathematics, Sport and Arts and Crafts. Your time will be spent utilising your skills to help the children grow and delvelop themselves. You will also be a role model for the children and represent your country. Here you will receive a world eduction, outside of the traditional classroom.
Animals & Wildlife

This volunteering experience is for animal lovers and those wishing to make a difference with neglected and abused animals (namely dogs and cats). You will work in under privileged areas, where people do not have the resource or education to care for their animals. Tears (the Emma Animal Rescue Society) was established in 2000. They employ 60 staff and work with a pro-life programme, where they train and rehabilitate stray or neglected dogs or cats. Here you will have an opportunity to work with Tears and your volunteering will consist of a volunteer training and orientation; field visits and rescues; dog walking and grooming; cleaning of kennels and a wide range of duties to support this amazing project. We are located in a bio diverse area with baboons, gennets, caracals, owls, eagles and many organisations working in the area of protecting our local wildlife. If you have an area of speciality, we would be happy to find an organisation that you can work with
Urban & Sustainable Agriculture

This volunteering opportunity includes working alongside Neighbourhood farms and their allotment gardens. We are looking for experienced volunteers in organic farming, community gardens, urban agriculture & permaculture. Your volunteer experience will be to work in our indigenous Yogashala gardens (Where you will be accommodated) ; as well as project gardens and urban renewal spaces including beautifying verges and spaces to uplift our spaces. You will stay in a biodiverse are situated on the Roodeberg mountain range with many hiking opportunities and plant & wildlife diversity. We have baboons, genets, caracals, owls, eagles etc. It is important to preserve these spaces for future generations. Your volunteer experience will also involve working with children and youth, teaching them about their environment and planting gardens together.

Our cultural and social project is for volunteers with an open mind and a love for learning about other cultures, outside of their own. You volunteering will involve working at the Ubuntu Centre and learning about different African cultures by working with the children. Here you will have insight into the African culture and by working at our centre you will get you understand the African principal of Ubuntu. You will also have an opportunity to work on social projects at the centre including: assisting with the distribution of resources, helping with fundraising and events and outings; as well as the daily program for the children.
Cultural activities include:
Township tour
Traditional dance (Xhosa youth group)
Traditional meal
Xhosa lessons.
Sports & Recreation

This volunteering opportunity includes working with 2 organisations helping to uplift young people from disadvantaged communities through sport. You will work with Communities Wellness solution and join them with their cycle program, which aims to keep children and youth away from gangsterism and drugs by keeping them involved in positive sporting and wellness activities. You will also have an opportunity to work on a sports and activity program at the Ubuntu Centre, our Centre located in a township called Masiphumelele. Here you can work with children in our after school program on a diverse set of areas including: soccer, martial arts, yoga, netball, a fitness program, sporting games and activities. Included in this volunteering opportunity are 2 free surf lessons.
Cultural & Social Project
Hospitality & Tourism

This is an opportunity to volunteer at our accommodation facility. It is an opportunity to help host other volunteers & guests at our accommodation lodge. Yogashala is positioned to facilitate volunteering in the nearby township. Our role is to accommodate guests from all walks of life who have a heart for making a difference and to uplift the lives of people around them. Yogashala has accommodated hundreds of volunteers from all over the world who work on service projects in our communities through our social program Projekt Ubuntu. Each guest helps to share skills in our community and thereby power our work and vision forward. Yogashala is also a resource centre where we direct valuable donations to much needed causes. We also provide a venue for many community based organisations to host their meetings and strategic planning. You will have an opportunity to assist with the daily running of our accommodation, managing of volunteers and interns, serving of meals and the general running of our operation to make sure all guests are happy and comfortable.
While we love to create custom experiences with each volunteer, here are some helpful guidelines:
Most of our volunteers stay 4-12 weeks
​We typically charge a fee of 2250 Euros for 4 weeks
Each Euro Amount quoted includes : Airport transfers, accommodation, breakfast, dinner, arrival orientation pack, volunteer support, project transfers, township orientation and a volunteer certificate on completion of volunteering.
Fee excludes: lunches, lunch transfers, laundry, drinks and additional tours & activities
Please note: All volunteers to have sufficient medical & travel insurance for the duration of their stay.
Prójekt Ubuntu also works in partnership with Roots Interns and we accommodate the following internships:
Media marketing and communications
Social work
Youth at risk
GBV through Kwanela
Sustainable development (Urban & Sustainable Agriculture )
Community Wellness : Yoga program
Education : Assisting with ECD & online / homework classes
Green Project
Please contact us for more information.